Coach Steph
1:1 Coaching
Coach Steph is confident she can help anyone achieve health, and is especially passionate about working with two types of clients...
Client 1: Athletes!! Specifically, mountain bikers who want to improve their riding through off bike strength training and learn how to fuel their bodies properly for their rides.
Client 2: Busy, everyday ladies who want to be "healthy" but just don't know how or where to start!
Do either of these sound like you?!
Keep scrolling to read more about each client type!
Client 1
Struggle on certain trails or features you feel like you should be able to clean
Want to fuel your body properly for your riding but dont know where to start
Find your muscles tiring out before your lungs
Feel overwhelmed when you try to find answers on "Google"
Feel more confident on your bike
Gain stability, control, and muscular endurance
Maneuver your bike with more ease
Improve your pulling and pedaling power for techy climbs
Reduce your risk of injury
We will work together to...
Create a custom workout routine that focuses on YOUR personal struggles when it comes to Mountain Biking!
Determine your nutritional needs and how to work that into your lifestyle and training
Make sure you aren't just blindly following a plan, but also understand the logic behind it.
Adopt and implement healthier habits that will last you a LIFETIME.
Client 2
Struggles to stay consistent with your health goals. You often feel burnt out and are either "all in" or "all out".
Has tried many diets and weight loss hacks in the past (and have probably even seen success), but always seem to end up back where you started
Lacks confidence in yourself and your body...adding to your dread of hitting the gym.
Adopt a healthier lifestyle that you feel confident you can commit to long-term
Heal your relationship with food and fitness, breaking free of the all or nothing cycle.
Feel in control of your ability to make healthy choices
Feel confident walking into the gym to execute your plan, and continue seeing progress in the gym beyond working with a coach.
We will work together to...
Create a custom workout routine that fits your lifestyle, goals, and equipment availability.
Determine your nutritional needs and how to work that into your lifestyle.
Make sure you aren't just blindly following a plan, but also understand the logic behind it.
Adopt and implement healthier habits that will last you a LIFETIME.
ALL 1:1 Coaching includes:
Personalized strength training plan made to fit YOUR lifestyle, goals, and equipment.
Personalized macros/nutrition plan.
Bi-weekly check ins and weekly private/personal calls
Bi-weekly team calls
Access to client documents, including 100+ macro friendly recipes!
My Story
When I was 23, I started passing out. From 23-30, I would lose consciousness 3-5 times a year. I went through a ton of testing, and was even placed on seizure medication for a while...
At the age of 30 I had a particularly bad episode in which I stopped breathing, and did not have a pulse. Thankfully, I regained consciousness right as my mom was about to start CPR. I spent a night in the hospital, was sent home with a heart monitor and eventually had a heart monitor surgically implanted for 3 years.
The silver lining, is that it was a huge wakeup call for me to start taking my health into my own hands. I hired a coach, learned how to lift weights and eat for my metabolism. I feel better in my 30's than I did in my 20's, and I haven't passed out since! The implanted heart monitor was removed in Jan 2021...
Through my own health journey, I became extremely passionate about helping other women overcome similar struggles and create a balanced and sustainable healthy lifestyle.
I began working with general lifestyle clients (client type 2) in 2019, shortly after competing in my first bikini (bodybuilding) competition. I have personally helped 30+ women achieve their health goals through different types of coaching. I started mountain biking in 2018, but I honestly hated it. It wasn't until October 2021 that I became OBSESSED with the sport, and shortly after shifted gears to start working with more athletes. Since both weight lifting and mountain biking tend to be very male-dominated sports, I love encouraging women to take up space, and feel confident on their bikes and in the gym!! Join me... Let's FNGooo!!